Praetorian Guard

I originally purchased pith helmet heads with the idea of making my own Praetorian Guard using the old Cadian bodies.

I’ve had these models sat around for ages as I was never quite sure as how to paint them as the original Praetorians didn’t have the body armour that these ones do. I toyed with the idea of  red shirts and red armour as I wasn’t a fan of the bone or white coloured armour I’ve seen others post online. Instead I settled on silver.

My plan is not to run these as Praetorians but as my own Astra Militarum regiment. This would give me some freedom for how I paint other units. I’ve been watching Sharpe and so I’m planning on making my own unit of Chosen Men to go with my red shirt army.

These guys are the last of my July Justice distractions and after finishing them, I didn’t have much time to get anything completed for the challenge, except Judge Grice.

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