Junk Town

I’ve got some ideas for running a Christmas themed Kill Team game featuring none other than Da Red Gobbo.

The game idea will be similar to the game that was played on Warhammer+ last year (if you’ve not seen it, I fully recommend that you check it out). Here is some info from the Warhammer Community website

While the version I’m aiming to play will be using different rules (Kill Team 2018) the premise of a kill team attacking Da Red Gobbo at his place of work will be central to it. Therefore Da Red Gobbo needs his own little grotto. Enter Kill Team Octarius terrain.

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The call of the Hive Mind

I have been really struggling recently to find time and motivation to post any of my most recently finished models to this blog, or indeed pick up a paint brush and finish any models.

Sometimes though, the hobby butterfly swoops down and sinks it’s teeth into you (should it be a hobby bat then?) and you cast aside your previously unfinished models and you start on something new.

With this newness comes hope. Hope that this is a project that you will see through to the end, this time it will be different!

Continue reading “The call of the Hive Mind”